March 15, 2025

San Vicente, Baja, Mexico

“San Vicente is small town Baja; somewhere to stop, grab supplies and take a detour to the mission ruins. “It is a dusty spot on the map with working families and strong Mexican values.”

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The town of San Vicente lies in the middle of the state of Baja California 100 meters above sea level.


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The total population of Saint Vincent is 3951 persons; 1687 minors and 2264 adults, of whom 289 are more than 60 years old. There are approximately 1000 households most have water and sewer.

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It is a farming and ranching community. You will see vineyards, tomatoes and other produce as you pass down the road.


The PaiPai Indians of northwest Baja California occupied the land near San Vicente before the Dominicans claimed the lands and territory near Arroyo San Vicente in August 1780. The tribe was flourishing as the missionaries founded the site of Misión San Vicente Ferrer. They selected this land because it was strategically located in the middle to defend missions San Fernando Rey de España de Velicatá and San Diego. The land was fertile and it has water sources.

The Dominicans built their mission with thick adobe walls into two sections; military and religious. Several hundred PaiPai neophytes labored for the mission primarily in agriculture where crops of barley, wheat, beans, corn, vegetables and fruits flourished. In 1833 after desire and the extinction of most Paipai the Mission San Vicente Ferrer was abandoned.

The ruins are some of the best in the Baja and worth walking around and imagining.

Getting There:

Drive south of Ensenada on Highway 1 south of Santo Tomas to KM 82. You will cross Puente Buenos Aires and then to your right is the road to the San Vicente Ferrer Mission ruins. You then cross Puente San Vicente Ferrer and the Puente San Vicente bridges just before the town