Real Heroes of Mexico Announced!

(Bill and Dorothy Bell were named the Real Heroes of Mexico in 2012:     Congratulations, felicidades to Bill and Dorothy Bell who’ve been included in The Mexico Report’s Real Heroes of Mexico book! A well deserved honor for two tireless promotees of Mexico.)

by Susie Albin-Najera August 30 2012

The Mexico Report

Finally, the day has arrived! I can check this off my bucket list now, as an author of my first book. Well, more like editor – but keep in mind this labor of love was edited mostly at 3 or 4am most mornings over the last few months.

I have to tell you, I loved every second of this process, learning about all of the amazing efforts going on in Mexico. Many of these stories brought me to tears, with all of the triumphant champions for Mexico, battling press, delivering babies, rescuing animals, feeding the hungry, and people’s commitment to caring and loving Mexico so much – its people, culture and traditions.

These entries were so special, so full of humanity, I spent the last few months creating a book, a memento in order to celebrate each hero and their service.

Thank you to the amazing ambassadors who helped identify heroes and promoted the cause. Now that I think I’ve got the hang of this self-publishing business, you can plan on a 2013 Real Heroes of Mexico book, 2014 and so on.

Without further delay, The MEXICO Report proudly presents to you, the 2012 Real Heroes of Mexico. To see it larger, click on ‘view full screen’ below. If you feel inclined, treat your coffee table to one of three available versions. Enjoy!

The MEXICO Report’s

Real Heroes
Dorothy Bell’s Note:

It is a great honor to be named a Real Hero in Mexico. Bill and I have been welcomed into this beautiful country and family and we hope our contributions reflect the love and kindness we have been shown. Thank you Mexico Reports for this honor.